Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Momma

I'm writing you this letter to ask if you miss me, i forgive you for leaving me, I wish you were here to kiss me. But you're not. You're over there kissing every Tom, Dick, and Harry, With coke on your lips and mary and jane on your breath. I saw your broken image through the window on the bus. But you didnt even recognize I was your own flesh and blood. You stepped right over me like I i was...mud....something you jump over to avoid from getting dirty. Are you scared of the dirt in your pass momma? You just went about your business. When you passed I smelled a scent so unfamiliar. Sour and wasteful. Hair undone, clothes pulled in different directions. Where's the graceful mother I use to know? "Use to know", you know. Your arms use to hold me, close, tight. I feen for your love again, AGAIN. Why, WHY leave me in this messed up world. Cold, betrayed , no where to run ,to turn , to cry too. but i'm the world , your stars, never would we meet. I can only see you. But never experience the mother you once was. I once loved. You once loved me. "Once"
Dear Momma don't you need the touch of your flesh and blood. If i brought you a picture would you remember, would i be familiar. Would you see a piece of you through those high eyes. Or did I just imagine the happiness we once had.

(hope you guys like this one)


  1. Phoenix rising from the ashes almost.... but yet to atonement for the sins of the mother... what a tragic real life situation you wrote about here...

    personally..... I feel like we as children alway want that approval from our parents.. its something instilled into every youth.. but something we gotta learn to let go... forgive them for their sins as best we can and live our life because we can not allow the fallen to dictate how we go about living..

    great work

  2. This was an amazing piece of work. I am highly impressed with how you were able to articulate your feelings about such a touchy topic that many young women experience with their parents. It is difficult to keep pushing forward when you feel like ...home isn't home anymore. But we as women have to suck it up and keep surviving the best way we can with or without the people we care about the most there to support us
