Friday, October 9, 2009

Hero (20 line Hero project for class) What you guys think?

Smile of guidance
Words of Grace
Protect me as I go
Hold my hand and guide me through
and watch me as I grow
Soul of steel and heart of flames
A masked angel to me
Take me from this wicked world
and with your cape set me free
Ride away in style and speed
No flash, no light, just disappear
No one can come to break my heart
because you'll always be there
I'm scared and lonely
Feel tortured and week
Your voice is their cryptonite
They shudder when you speak
Flying high above the world and me
My hero stands and smiles
guiding me on the pat of life
With his blue ocean eyes.

1 comment:

  1. this read like a lovely description of love.... an emotion not too many today feel open to expressing so freely... you.. express it beautifully.. and I really enjoyed reading..
